Heart? Intuition? Fun?

Okay, so Blogger straightened some things out. My main headline is now black instead of hot pink. This is good. I don’t like the brown headings, though, at the start of each post. Do you?

My friend Sara suggests I do my own blog and she says she’ll show me how so I can just link it to my Web site and not be so reliant on Blogger. Did I tell you Sara is an angel? (Sara, if you check in here, post your blog URL under comments if you’re okay with that so everyone can visit).

So it’s Saturday morning and I read an email from an author friend whose book came out last year and has done respectably. He was working on another proposal that his agent thought would sell–sort of a sequel. He says he woke up, shaking in his PJs, afraid that it was the wrong thing to be working on, and told his agent he changed his mind and was going to go in another direction. His heart just wasn’t in it, not like the first book which was straight from the heart.

I wrote back to him, said his email raised an important question: How do you know when what your agent has in mind for you is the right thing, or not? In this wooly world of publishing, whose advice do you take? It’s hard even listening to your own heart, your own intuition amid the din of what’s selling.

Does it come down to having fun? What do you enjoy working on? If you enjoy it, then that’s what you should be working on, and if you don’t, scrap it?

Let’s hear your comments….

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Heart? Intuition? Fun?

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