When the power goes out in Southern California….

….if you have a laptop, or a notebook, you can still write.

We’re in the squall here, a few blocks from the beach in Orange County, and when the power went out, the laptop stayed on and I kept working. But then Travis got up and I heard sirens and decided I should shower and get dressed, just in case. In case of what, I don’t know. So I did. Made some calls to find out info about the outage. There was none, except for across town Debra’s power came back on. Waited some more. No power. So I went outside with a flat pillow on my head to prevent my hair from soaking (of course the umbrellas are in Bry’s car and Travis’ poncho went bye-bye long ago–no rain, who needs a poncho!). So I’m out there with a flat pillow designed in browns and oranges and blues, and yellow rubber gloves, and I’m moving wood that’s still dry from our woodpile that’s–where else?–in the rain to a place under the eaves that’s not getting rained on, and I’m out there for 15 minutes, doing this, feeling like we’ll at least have heat for a while if the power stays off. I come in, wash my hands, and a few minutes later the power comes back on. Of course!

Hope you’re staying dry and safe, wherever you are.

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When the power goes out in Southern California….

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