…..without intending to be. Just have been so busy. Teaching five classes has winnowed down to two, which helps free up time. But it’s busy as ever and in my ongoing search to cut back, I’ve come up with nada. Anything I’d pull back from I fear would make me flakey. I used to be tres flakey. Got a lot of people mad at me because I’d flake at the last minute or break a date with a girlfriend for some guy. Oh, bad bad behavior.
As it is, I look forward to the next month and a half when things will be on the light side and I can perhaps finish the first draft of my novel. Still hovering at the 350 page mark.
How are all of you about now?
(Anyone else love pomegranates? I do, but all those bothersome seeds….!)
6 Responses to:
Oh, I’ve been remiss….