I love it when I love what I’m reading. Right now it’s Almost by Elizabeth Benedict. Just finished The Practice of Deceit, her last novel, and loved it, too. Written from a male POV. She also wrote The Joy of Writing Sex and is going to be on the show tomorrow for the entire hour.
When I walk, I listen to Anna Quindlen’s new novel, Rise and Shine, which I also love. Written in first person, past tense, it’s a good one to study, re: great characters and a hefty plot. I’m not at the end yet–probably another 20 pages or so–so I’ll report back when I’ve finished. I like that Quindlen was a journalist (still does essays) and turned to fiction. You can see her skill at reporting all over the place in her fiction and it works so well.
So for my question once again: What are you reading now that you love?
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Elizabeth Benedict on my show tomorrow