When I have a migraine, which seems to be more often lately, there’s little I want to do. Cooking is hard. I can read okay, but it’s hard to concentrate on writing most anything at all, except for e-mails. So I apologize for being remiss and not posting.
My librarian said she’s been to the ER three times with migraines. Mine have never been that bad, fortunately.
I also had a student who rarely made class this last session because of migraines. The best she could do was get to work. I feel for her.
Today I took Excedrin Extra Strength and the migraine is at bay. It’s there, lurking, like a parking meter cop, waiting to swoop down at the first chance it gets. I even said a prayer to St. Jude, the saint of lost causes.
I cannot think of one man who gets migraines. They seem to be a female thing.
What do you do for migraines?
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