Diet Coke.
It’s sad but true. I gave it up. Again. Over the years I keep giving it up. Why should it be so good? A bunch of food coloring and artificial sweetener. Oy. Vey.
So it’s Sunday afternoon and I’m watching the Angels vs. White Sox, my other addiction–the Angels, that is. (Yesterday went to the game with Brian and Travis. The two of them went today…)
When I’m watching a ball game, or when I’m writing in the afternoon, I want a Diet Coke.
Now I drink water. And white tea or green tea or black tea without the caffeine. I love the smell of coffee but I won’t drink it. Makes my heart go all aflutter. One of the best things is sitting down to write with a cup of dark roast coffee. When I lived in Vermont, I drank espresso with a sliver of lemon peel.
The Diet Coke habit came later. I don’t use artificial sweetener in anything, but I love it in Diet Coke. Bizarre.
What do you drink when you write? Or have you given up something (like coffee) and are developing a habit of something else?
3 Responses to:
I think about it all the time