I spent the last three weeks or so getting another book proposal finished and in the mail. It’s an illustrated journal, a spin-off of Pen on Fire. After Pen on Fire was published in late ’04, I began receiving emails from readers who wondered if a journal was in the works. No, I’d say. And then more letters arrived and I started thinking, Hmm…..Maybe there should be.
So I teamed up with Andy Mitchell, a longtime student and illustrator (www.ajmitchellart.com), and put together a proposal. Of course it took longer than I would have liked. Doesn’t everything?
But I got it into the mail last week and Delivery Confirmation confirms that the proposal was delivered.
It’s a longshot. (Everything’s a longshot, when it comes to publishing.) So we’re waiting. Crossing fingers and waiting.
And tomorrow I will return to Starletta’s Kitchen. In the hours before my son wakes up, that is. (I let him stay up late so he’ll sleep in and I can use those early morning hours for writing.)
I feel so far away from the book now, having been away from it since June.
Have y’all read Mosley’s This Year You Write Your Novel? I love that book. I should read it again.
How’re your projects progressing? Do things slow down for you in the summer?
3 Responses to:
Cross your fingers