Books into movies

Interesting article in this Sunday’s New York Times Book Review on how Hollywood is affecting novels.

Some worry that movies and the desire to have your book made into a movie negatively influences the writing, but Diane Johnson said screenwriting has helped her sense of structure.

And Tom Perrotta said, “Writing screenplays has the paradoxical effect of making me a more literary writer, much more conscious of what I can do in a novel that I can’t do in a script: the ease of a flashback within a flashback, how you can have immediate access to any event in your character’s life.”

A movie just came out about a novelist that I want to see: Starting Out in the Evening.

But movies made from books: Accidental Tourist worked well. I can’t say I finished The English Patient, but I’m thinking the movie worked better than the book (don’t hit me, all you readers who loved the book; I loved the writing, but I just wasn’t compelled to finish). I liked Wonder Boys very much. I didn’t like Perrotta’s Little Children as a film, though I loved it as a book. What other movies translated well–or didn’t?

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Books into movies

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