Too busy to write?

I love the holidays but I’m with everyone else: Things become so busy and accelerated that it’s hard to find time to write. Not to write emails, of course, and Christmas cards and this invitation and that, but to work on fiction–it’s the last thing I put time into doing. After my ongoing deadlines–The ASJA Monthly and teaching, there are cookies to bake, shopping to do and costumes to construct. (Tonight my one class is having our annual party, and this year we’re going as literary characters. Brian and I rented costumes yesterday so I think we’re going as characters from a Dickens novel or The Count of Monte Christo.)

So this is one more thing I love about the holidays, this year, anyway: I’m too busy to work on my book. So Starletta awaits me, and I dwell on what I want to do with her and the story when I return to it. Which is good because I’ve hit another wall and need to figure some things out.

Are you finding time to write?

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Too busy to write?

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