Just when you think you’re in a routine, your routine is blown to bits.
I exaggerate. But only a little.
My goldfish and the tank they live in have been looking sad. So this morning, I decide I’m going to do a quick clean, then write. (I’ve been putting it off for days.)
I clean the filter and put it all back together but now the filter doesn’t work. I end up taking the filter apart and finally, many minutes and attempts to fix it later, get it to work. I go to refill the tank and water sprays everywhere. Now, an hour and a half have gone by, the tank is clean, refilled, and the fish are happy. And the water has been mopped up off the floor.
I think I’ll go shower and try to salvage the morning. The day sits before me, splayed out, ready and waiting.
(But I should call Toyota, too, something else I keep putting off…..)
2 Responses to:
So much for rituals