A new Palin disorder

My friend Dennis Palumbo posted this on his blog:


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As a veteran therapist, I’m using this forum to announce the establishment of a new clinical diagnosis: IFP Disorder (Irrational Fear of Palin Disorder).

Since the McCain campaign picked Sarah Palin as their V-P candidate, poll numbers have swung ominously in their favor. The gun-totin’, Bible-thumping, anti-choice, book-burning “hockey mom” is America’s newest sweetheart.

But that’s not the point: what really has amazed me in the past week is the change that has come over my therapy patients. Without fail, they seem oddly uninterested in dealing with their usual issues—relationship conflicts, family concerns, career crises, substance abuse, etc. All they want to talk about is their Fear of Sarah Palin.

Click here to read more.


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A new Palin disorder

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