… after the Angels’ momentous loss. Still reading the Sports page first thing, before any other section of the newspaper. And still getting used to the fact that I’m a fan of baseball, and specifically, the Angels. As for football, no thanks, and boxing, as Sonia brought up the other day, Yuck. If anyone loves boxing, please, tell me why, and what it does for you. I want to understand…I do.
I have the best students in the world. As well as being and great people to know and wonderful writers, they know how to throw a party and make their teacher happy. A total surprise! I loved it. This is one of three cakes
they brought last night for a surprise birthday fest (which is actually next week, a dark night for the class, the night of the debate. What will my family be doing on my birthday? Watching the debate from a restaurant or home! Better order something easily digestible…).
Speaking of which … I’m trying not to veer into politics, trying not to put down Palin too terrilby much or repeat too often how McCain’s voice and the phrases he uses (“my friends” ERGH) bug me, so I won’t.
I’ll close now, and go work on my novel and The ASJA Monthly.
What’s new with y’all? Tell me something!
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