Tin House looking for submissions to themed issue

Tin House literary journal seeks submissions for its winter issue. Here you go:

Tin House is pleased to announce its Spring, 2010 theme: Games People Play. From Texas Hold ‘Em to Cricket to Mind Games, from Pee-Wee Baseball to Pokemon, from passionate participants to player-haters, we are looking for fiction, essays, and poetry that capture the essence of competition. At this stage (of the game, race, rally, inning, hand, match, set, clash, etc.) we are taking on all comers, fielding all pitches. The deadline is November 24, but please submit much earlier than this as the issue will be crowded with contenders.

Also, our Winter issue, which is not themed, has not quite closed. If you have something fabulous, please send asap.

Thank you for your continued support of Tin House.

Rob Spillman

Tin House
PMB 280
320 Seventh Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11215
Phone 718-788-1116
Fax 718-788-6866

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