Barbara in flight, because the book is doing well….
Sweet, brilliant, witty Patricia…
Gary, who doesn’t look like he’d have the most booming laugh in the entire Southern California area, but he does…
And the articulate, funny and oh-so-svelt Marrie Stone …
Tune in tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. Pacific time for Writers on Writing, featuring Marrie Stone as host, and Orange County Noir contributors Gary Phillips (editor as well as writer), Patricia McFall, and Barbara DeMarco-Barrett, who will discuss the short story, noir fiction, and their stories included in Orange County Noir, which made the SCIBA bestseller list last week, its first week out.
Listen at 88.9 FM in Orange Co., CA, or listen online at or at iTunes>radio>Talk/News.
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Tomorrow’s show: Orange County Noir–what else?