Pam Jenoff, author of The Orphan’s Tale, joins Marrie Stone to share her thoughts regarding writing about the Holocaust and the responsibilities of sensitively portraying that period of history. She talks about juxtaposing WWII against the backdrop of the circus arts, how being a lawyer serves her writing life, and more.
In the second half, Eric Puchner shares his latest collection, Last Day on Earth. He deconstructs the genesis of one of his stories, shares wisdom about the secret of unlocking a short story, how Ray Bradbury set him upon his life’s path, how he knows a story is finished, and more.
Finally, we are celebrating our Annual KUCI Fund Drive. If you listen to our podcasts, please consider donating to support our show and public radio. We have an array of fun premiums to offer as a thank you (gift certificates, books, CDs, t-shirts, coffee mugs, and more). Call (949) 824-5824 or donate online at Please indicate you’re donating for Writers on Writing. We’re all volunteers here and depend on donations to keep the lights on and keep water in the cooler. Any amount helps. We appreciate your support!
(Broadcast date: May 3, 2017)
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Pam Jenoff and Eric Puchner on Writers on Writing