Hooray for notebooks and candles
After I delivered Travis and Alex to their birthday party gig in Redondo Beach–yes, the Green Room, Trav’s classic rock band, had their second paying gig yesterday; today they play at Gina’s Pizza at the Corona del Mar Christmas walk (for tips)–and on the way home stopped at Pudgy Beads
in Long Beach (a glorious vintage bead store with wonderful owners), bought a few things, then drove home, cleaned up a bit (always cleaning up a bit, it seems), lighted the candles I had bought at Ikea on the way to Redondo, and sat on the sofa with my Clairefontaine notebook
and Waterman fountain pen (indigo ink).
My iBook G4, which I love, tends to make me a little too perfectionistic, when it comes to first drafts of fiction. It’s so easy to delete. With the notebook, I just write. I don’t care about being perfect. I can cross out, but I can’t delete, and for me, this is a good thing. So I set the timer and sat and wrote and by the time I was done, the room was dark, lit only by candlelight.
This morning at 6:15, Rosie, our six-month-old cat, jumped on the bed and woke me. I tried, for a minute, to go back to sleep, but the house was quiet, bamboo wind chimes by the front door were clacking tastily, so I got up, straightened up a bit (see … always straightening…..) and sat down with the notebook and pen and wrote a couple pages.
This got me thinking about tools, again. I still love sitting with paper and pen, getting comfortable, and writing. The laptop is good for nonfiction first drafts, though not fiction. Wish I’d remember that when I’m trying to write at the laptop and nothing’s coming out.