Geraldine Brooks and Laura Furman
Marrie Stone interviews Geraldine Brooks, author of Caleb’s Crossing, and Laura Furman, author of The Mother Who Stayed.
(Broadcast date: May 18, 2011)
Marrie Stone interviews Geraldine Brooks, author of Caleb’s Crossing, and Laura Furman, author of The Mother Who Stayed.
(Broadcast date: May 18, 2011)
Join co-host Marrie Stone as she chats with debut author Alethea Black about her short story collection, “I Knew You’d Be Lovely” and Robyn Griggs Lawrence, author of “Simply Imperfect: Revisiting the Wabi-Sabi House.”
Tune in this morning, July 6, at 9:00 a.m. (PT) or online at (or iTunes under college/university radio). Hundreds of past podcasts can be heard at
Barbara DeMarco-Barrett interviews Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry, co-authors of The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published, and Arthur Plotnik, author of Better Than Great: A Plenitudinous Compendium of Wallopingly Fresh Superlatives.
(Broadcast date: Jun 12, 2011)
Back from Palm Desert. Saturday. Just musin’ about, a lil of this, a lil of that. Our podcast is back up on iTunes, thanks to our podcast guru Rob Roy. Here’s the link. You can go there and subscribe–or re-subscribe, and when we upload a new show, you’ll receive it in your iTunes podcast library.
This is what summer looks like in our teensy yard.
Billy Collins reading “The Lanyard”
The Tranquility Pool….no one under 18 allowed here. Travis worried about breaking the rules. He’ll be 18 before we know it.
It’s the calm they’re after, I said. They don’t want kids cannonballing off the side of the pool, I said.
So you want me to break the rules? he said.
Travis has never liked breaking the rules. Which I like, actually….like that he respects rules.
You act 18, I said. You’ve acted 18 since you were born. Older, actually.
Our last day here.