
This morning’s show

Join co-host Marrie Stone as she chats with debut author Alethea Black about her short story collection, “I Knew You’d Be Lovely” and Robyn Griggs Lawrence, author of “Simply Imperfect: Revisiting the Wabi-Sabi House.” 

Tune in this morning, July 6, at 9:00 a.m. (PT) or online at (or iTunes under college/university radio).  Hundreds of past podcasts can be heard at  

Podcast is back up

Back from Palm Desert. Saturday. Just musin’ about, a lil of this, a lil of that. Our podcast is back up on iTunes, thanks to our podcast guru Rob Roy. Here’s the link. You can go there and subscribe–or re-subscribe, and when we upload a new show, you’ll receive it in your iTunes podcast library.

This is what summer looks like in our teensy yard.

View from a chair

The Tranquility Pool….no one under 18 allowed here. Travis worried about breaking the rules. He’ll be 18 before we know it.

It’s the calm they’re after, I said. They don’t want kids cannonballing off the side of the pool, I said.

So you want me to break the rules? he said.

Travis has never liked breaking the rules. Which I like, actually….like that he respects rules.

You act 18, I said. You’ve acted 18 since you were born. Older, actually.

Our last day here.