
Each piece of jewelry, knit, or weaving is hand made by Barbara in Southern California. If you'd like to see more of her work, visit the contact page. You can see all of her knits and weavings at Ravelry.com (her page is called "Inkmama.").

Purple Woven Shawl Woven Scarf Flamenco Knit Shawl Felted Floral Knit Bag Woven Scarf Felted Getaway Satchel Prize winner Guitar Strap Beanie with Pom Pom

Babette’s Oatmeal Cookies

Makes 24 good sized cookies. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Barbara and Sam with COOKIES!

When I was a kid, my mother was big on pies, cakes, and struedel, not cookies. Aunt Teresa, my mother’s big sister and the aunt I was closest to, was the cookie maven of the family. If I made cookies with anyone when I was a kid, it would have been her.

Here I am at four years old with my brother Sam. We sit before cookies for a family event. My guess is that Aunt Teresa made most of those cookies. I’m sure she made the petit fours because when I married Brian, for our reception, she made those same petit fours in our kitchen.
