
Essayist Jo Ann Beard on Writers on Writing, KUCI-FM in Irvine, CA

Novelist and essayist Jo Ann Beard talks with my co-host Marrie Stone about her past works, The Boys of My Youth and In Zanesville. Over the course of the hour, Beard shares a wealth of wisdom and honest insights about her process and craft, her feelings about her work and her artistry, the importance of the work versus the importance of publication, and much more.

The show first airs on KUCI-FM from the University of California, Irvine campus. The show’s archive is at writersonwriting.blogspot.com.

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(Broadcast date: September 19, 2018)

Glen David Gold on writing memoir, on Writers on Writing, KUCI-FM

Glen David Gold, author of I Will Be Complete (Knopf), is Barbara’s guest for the entire hour. The show is a master class in writing memoir. If you’re writing memoir, you won’t want to miss this one.

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(Broadcast date: August 29, 2018)

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