…all over again, with the library. I tried renting an office in town but so far they’re so expensive, and not quite right. So the last two days went to the library to work on Starletta (I’m deeply enmeshed in the refining stage, which is difficult, and also a gas). Yesterday I arrived at the library early enough to nab a study room, but today I was too late. So I found a quiet corner and loved the ceiling, with it’s white painted exposed pipes and hoses, and how the wall at the opposite end of the structure was farther away than the farthest area in our cottage (ha! easily!) or a Starbucks or anywhere else I could work about now. So quiet, too. I strained to listen and heard little. Love it love it love it.
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Saroyan Prize
Just came in….deadline is soon….
Re: Call for Submissions.
Deadline for Entries: January 31, 2008
Dear Colleagues,
Nominations are now being accepted for the third William Saroyan International Prize for Writing. This award, given by Stanford University Libraries in partnership with the William Saroyan Foundation, recognizes newly published works of fiction and non-fiction with a $12,500 award for the winner in each category. The prize is designed to encourage new or emerging writers and honor the Saroyan literary legacy of originality, vitality and stylistic innovation. While normally biennial, this third round of the award is on a triennial schedule, having been timed to coincide with the Saroyan Centennial celebrations taking place in 2008. For entry forms and more information on the prize, including entry forms and rules, visit the Saroyan website for prize info..
Entries must be received on or before January 31, 2008.
(Scroll down for a press release on the prize.)
Best regards,
Sam Petersen, for Stanford University Libraries
**Ms. Sam Petersen, Sam Petersen Associates:
(650) 854-5575, sampetersenpr@aol.com
William Saroyan International Prize for Writing to be Awarded in 2008
Award coincides with Saroyan Centennial celebrations
Stanford University Libraries, in partnership with the William Saroyan Foundation, announced today the launch of the third William Saroyan International Prize for Writing (Saroyan Prize). Intended to encourage new or emerging writers and honor the Saroyan literary legacy of originality, vitality and stylistic innovation, the Saroyan Prize recognizes newly published works of both fiction and non-fiction. A prize of $12,500 will be awarded in each of these categories, and the prize winners will be recognized publicly during Stanford’s Saroyan Centennial celebrations on September 5, 2008.
Literary fiction, including novels, short story collections, and drama, will be eligible for consideration for the Saroyan Fiction Prize. Literary non-fiction of any length is eligible for consideration for the Saroyan Non-fiction Prize, most particularly writing in the Saroyan tradition: memoirs, portraits and excursions into neighborhood and community. Entries in either category are limited to English language publications that are available for individual purchase by the general public. Entries must be received on or before January 31, 2008. Official entry forms and rules are available at http://saroyanprize.stanford.edu
“The Saroyan Prize is an integral part of the library’s ongoing and active involvement with the Saroyan archive, but it also provides a wonderful opportunity for Stanford students and alumni, as well as literati everywhere, to interact actively with the emerging literary figures of our time.” said Michael A. Keller, Stanford University Librarian. “Such interaction is a distinguishing feature of a Stanford education. We are particularly pleased to be offering the prize during this centennial celebration of Saroyan’s birth, when so much attention is being given to Saroyan’s life and work.”
“The Saroyan Foundation is pleased to be involved in fulfilling Saroyan’s dream of establishing a writing prize to encourage and perpetuate the art he so loved,” said Haig Mardikian, President of the William Saroyan Foundation. “Saroyan not only had a great passion for writing, he was also an accomplished visual abstract artist; so it is particularly fitting that this award is being granted during the Saroyan Centennial celebrations where we are commemorating many of Saroyan’s artistic achievements.”
The first William Saroyan International Prize for Writing was awarded in 2003 to Jonathan Safran Foer for his novel Everything is Illuminated (Houghton Mifflin, 2002). The second Saroyan Prize, awarded in 2005, was the first to be offered for both fiction and non-fiction. The fiction prize was awarded to George Hagen for his novel The Laments (Random House, 2004); the non-fiction prize went to Mark Arax and Rick Wartzman for The King of California (Public Affairs, 2005).
William Saroyan, an American writer and playwright, is a Pulitzer Prize and Academy Award winner best known for his short stories about humorous experiences of immigrant families and children in California. Much of Saroyan’s other work is clearly autobiographical, although similar in style and technique to fiction. Saroyan was the fourth child of Armenian immigrants. He battled his way through poverty and rose to literary prominence in the early 1930s when national magazines began publishing his short stories, such as The Daring Young Man On The Flying Trapeze, My Name Is Aram, Inhale & Exhale, Three Times Three, and Peace, It’s Wonderful. Saroyan soon moved on to writing plays for Broadway and screenplays for Hollywood, including: My Heart’s in the Highlands, The Time of Your Life, The Beautiful People, and The Human Comedy.
The William Saroyan Foundation was officially founded by the author on December 30, 1966. Since then, distinguished professors, business executives and high-ranking government officials have accepted appointments to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Commencing in 1990, the Trustees set a goal of bringing together into one single archive his entire literary estate. A decision was finally made by the Trustees to offer Stanford University the assembled Saroyan Literary Collection with provisions that would safeguard in perpetuity one of the rare treasure troves in American literature, carrying on the legacy of Fresno, California’s own native son, William Saroyan.
Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources supports the teaching, learning and research mandates of the University through delivery of bibliographic and other information resources and services to faculty, students and staff. It is tackling the challenges of the digital age while continuing the development, preservation and conservation of its extensive print, media and manuscript collections.
# # #
So…a survey….
1 – What’s the best book you read in 2007?
2 – What’s the best book you read in 2007 that was published prior to 2007?
3 – What’s the one book you read in 2007 that you wanted to like–that the critics liked, or loved–but you didn’t?
4 – What’s the best movie made from a book that you saw in 2007? (Didn’t have to be made in 2007…)
5 – Any books you received as gifts recently that you want to read, are reading, or tried to read (and couldn’t)?
Answer any or all……
Back to Starletta’s Kitchen
I love holidays and like to prolong the holiday as long as possible–obviously. Our tree is still up, blue lights still line are yar and front of the house. Yesterday was the Epiphany, which is a signal to us to take down the tree, dagnabbit, but not yet. Not yet….
But Travis is back at school, and as promised, I’m back to Starletta, mostly reviewing notes and reading the first chapters, making notes. It’s good to be back.
I’m also looking for office space–just the teeniest space is all I need–in town, within a 10 minute walk. Somewhere outside of the house (know of one?). I have one lead which I’ll check out today. All of my work is pretty much home-based, so I’d love a place nearby where there’s no internet, no phone, no nuttin’ except my novel to work on.
If you work at home, how do you stay focused on your work and refuse to be distracted by email, cleaning, phone, etc., and if you have an office outside the house, when did you get it and has it helped?
Happy New Year 2008!
Okay, ante up those resolutions, guys and goils.
My resolutions are the same as they are every morning of my life–be sweeter, more generous, more productive, smarter, eat healthier–with one additional resolution: finish Starletta’s Kitchen by the time I go to New York in April.
What about yours?
Along the lines of eating healthier, on tomorrow’s show my guest will be Melissa Clark, a food writer, who has a fun diet book called The Skinny. We’ll talk about food writing, writing essays, writing process, and what writers can do to stop or decrease zee writers’–ahem–spread.
Speaking of writer’s spread, here’s a recipe for muffins that’s in the oven as we speak–as I speak, anyhoo. Not sure how great it is for decreasing writers’ spread, but the muffins are among our faves.
I wrote a piece for the old Westways magazine some years back (the column was called Food Souvenir) and included this recipe. (It’s adapted from a recipe from the Willows Palm Springs Historic Inn, which I wrote about for the Los Angeles Times Weekend Escape.) We love it. Enjoy, and Happy New Year!
Crazy for Cardomom Muffins
(Makes 15 regular muffins or 30 mini-muffins, or mix them up, as I do.)
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour (or a cup of w/w and cup of unbleached white, or all white, depending on your inclination)
1/2 cup, plus 2/3 cup sugar
3/4 cup chopped toasted walnuts
2 large cage free organic eggs (or equivalent egg replacer)
1/2 cup nonfat yogurt (or if you like rich muffins, use sour cream. I used to use sour cream, when I didn’t gain weight just by looking at fatty delicious foods….)
1/2 stick of butter, melted
1 1/2 cup peeled and grated tart apples
1 tsp. ground allspice
3/4 tsp. powdered cardamom
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, 2/3 cup sugar, 3/4 tsp. allspice and 1/2 tsp. cardamom. Set the mixture aside. Lightly toast the walnuts in a frying pan.
Whisk eggs, sour cream, melted butter. Mix in the apples. Add the dry mixture to the wet. Add 1/2 cup of the walnuts. The remaining sugar, walnuts, allspice and cardomom will make the topping.
Fill muffin pans with paper liners or spray with oil. Fill muffin tins and top with the remaining spice and sugar mixture. Bake for 20 minutes or so, until brown (bake for less if you make the mini muffins).
Restless without a book you’re sunk into?
I’m reading a couple of books (always, a couple of books, it seems) I’m enjoying (The Artful Edit and Claire Davis‘ Labors of the Heart), but when I’m not deep into a book, I feel … restless.
I came across Marisa de Los Santos’ Love Walked In at my local Barnes & Noble. I wrote down the title and contacted the publicity department. I wanted to talk to Santos on my show. This week I’ve been restless without a book I’m crazy about and today her book arrived (she’s on the show next month). And now that I have a book I feel I may love, I feel more relaxed.
Do you go through this, too? Without a book you’re mad about, you feel at loose ends?