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Memoirist James Brown on Writers on Writing

Just now podcast: Memoirist James Brown, author of The Los Angeles Diaries and This River spends an hour with me on the show talking about his books, the art and craft of memoir, and the business of publishing.  (He will appear on my memoir panel at Literary Orange on April 14, 2012 at UC-Irvine.  He will also be guest author at our Pen on Fire Writers Salon on May 15, 2012.

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 (Broadcast date: March 28, 2012)

Just podcast: T. Jefferson Parker and memoirist Claire Bidwell Smith on Writers on Writing

T. Jefferson Parker is one of my favorite–if my my absolute favorite–crime writer.  And memoir is one of my favorite forms, as well.  Here is T. Jefferson Parker, author of The Jaguar and Claire Bidwell Smith, author of the memoir, The Inheritance of Grief, on the show with me, talking about their new books. Jeff has been a repeated author of our Pen on Fire Writers Salon in Corona del Mar, and Claire will be a featured author in May.  To find out more, click here.

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 (Broadcast date: March 13, 2012)

A Must Listen To: Nathan Englander and Pam Houston with Barbara DeMarco-Barrett

Nathan Englander, author of What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank, and Pam Houston, author of Contents May Have Shifted talk with Barbara DeMarco-Barrett on this fantabulous show.  Two authors that any serious student of writing should be digesting their fiction.  One of my favorite shows, of late.  (Of late…my son hates that phrase, and so do I! But you get the gist.)

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 (Broadcast date: February 29, 2012)