Marrie Stone interviews Alethea Black, author of I Knew You’d Be Lovely, and Robyn Griggs Lawrence, author of Simply Imperfect: Revisiting the Wabi-Sabi House.
(Broadcast date: Jul 6, 2011)
Marrie Stone interviews Alethea Black, author of I Knew You’d Be Lovely, and Robyn Griggs Lawrence, author of Simply Imperfect: Revisiting the Wabi-Sabi House.
(Broadcast date: Jul 6, 2011)
Marrie Stone interviews Tamar Cohen, author of The Mistress’s Revenge, and Jane Smiley, author of Private Life.
(Broadcast date: Jun 29, 2011)
Marrie Stone interviews Susie Bright, author of Big Sex Little Death: A Memoir, and Melissa Schroeder, author of A Little Harmless Obsession.
(Broadcast date: Jun 22, 2011)
A shout out to Ron Alvarez (former NYC cop) who clicked the donation button over on the right side of the screen and sent $$ our way, which I will, in turn, send to our podcast guru Rob Roy. It’s because of Rob that the Writers on Writing podcast started up, and it’s largely because of him that it functions. When it recently fell off the iTunes radar, Rob put in time to get it going again. So thanks Ron, and thanks again to Rob for all that he does.
Marrie Stone interviews Geraldine Brooks, author of Caleb’s Crossing, and Laura Furman, author of The Mother Who Stayed.
(Broadcast date: May 18, 2011)
Join co-host Marrie Stone as she chats with debut author Alethea Black about her short story collection, “I Knew You’d Be Lovely” and Robyn Griggs Lawrence, author of “Simply Imperfect: Revisiting the Wabi-Sabi House.”
Tune in this morning, July 6, at 9:00 a.m. (PT) or online at (or iTunes under college/university radio). Hundreds of past podcasts can be heard at