Barbara DeMarco-Barrett interviews Debra Ginsberg, author of The Neighbors Are Watching.
(Broadcast date: Nov 24, 2010)
Barbara DeMarco-Barrett interviews Debra Ginsberg, author of The Neighbors Are Watching.
(Broadcast date: Nov 24, 2010)
Barbara DeMarco-Barrett and Marrie Stone take listeners’ questions for author, former editor and literary agent Betsy Lerner, author of The Forest for the Trees (Revised and Updated): An Editor’s Advice to Writers.
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(Broadcast Date: December 1, 2010)
On today’s show, my guests will be Jo-Ann Mapson, author of Solomon’s Oak (Bloomsbury) and Debra Ginsberg, author of The Neighbors are Watching (Shaye Areheart Books). Tune in at 9 a.m. PT at 88.9 KUCI-FM in Southern California, or listen online at or at iTunes, news/talk radio.
And a little about quotations. I love quotes. Quotes immortalize writers–perhaps even more than our books do. That’s a scary thought. But I love them. Here are a few that I especially relate to, today, as I work my way though my work in progress:
Plot from the murderer’s point of view and write from the detective’s point of view.
~Erle Stanley Gardner, mystery writer
Layers don’t come from subplots, but from additional problems in the protagonist’s life.
~Donald Maass, editor and writer
You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
~Jack London
Thanks to Mystery Writers Ink. More here.
Last Tuesday night at Scape Gallery in Corona del Mar, we had another sell out event with authors extraordinaire, Susan Straight, Take One Candle Light A Room, and Andrew Winer, The Marriage Artist. Here are some photos of the event, thanks to C.J. Bahnsen.
Our next event is Jan. 18, 2011, with T. Jefferson Parker and his new book, The Border Lords. More here.
Barbara DeMarco-Barrett and Marrie Stone interview Amy Bloom, author of Where the God of Love Hangs Out: Stories and Hilary Davidson, author of The Damage Done.
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(Broadcast date: October 2010)
Barbara DeMarco-Barrett hosts literary agents Jill Marr, Jamie Weiss Chilton, and Sally van Haitsma at the Pen on Fire Writers Salon.
(Event date: July 13, 2010)