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Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

I‘ve wanted to build a Day of the Dead altar for some time, but never have–until the other day. The more I learn about this celebration, the more I like it. Celebrating the dead and making light of death rather than fearing it, rather than it being a deep, dark, scary matter. In Catholicism, we know of this day as All Soul’s Day. Google “Day of the Dead” and you’ll find a ton of links. Here’s a recent food-related article in the Los Angeles Times about the day. Here’s our altar–a converted mantel.

Writers Retreat

Here’s something writing related (esp. for you, J.)…

I’ll be the featured author at this overnight retreat on the weekend following election week. It sounds like a gorgeous setting and a fun, inspiring time. The organizers tell me there’s still a couple of openings. Here you go:

The Write Coast Read and Critique is hosting its 8th fiction writer’s retreat — this time with critiques, discourse and instruction led by Barbara DeMarco-Barrett, whose writing and teaching career includes publication of the well-received “Pen on Fire” and her weekly radio broadcast of “Writers on Writing.”

The venue — a ranch home on 11-acres in North San Diego County — lends itself to immersing yourself in creativity and craft along with other writers. Up to 12 participants shed their day jobs and share and learn with others devoted to writing.

Barbara has graciously agreed to conduct a read and critique (everyone will read up to 6 pages of any work of their choice) and to provide a lecture on specific topics. Topics under consideration include “How and Why to Select a Point of View,” “How and Why to Select Present or Past Tense.”

Novelists, memoirists and short story writers welcome. Two (possibly three) openings remain, and we love having new participants.

The nonrefundable $110 fee for the retreat (commencing Friday, 11/7/08 at 4:00 p.m. and ending Saturday, 11/8/08 at 5:00 p.m.) includes meals and drinks and an overnight stay on Friday. You need not stay overnight, but the fee remains the same. The Friday night three-hour workshop begins after dinner at around 7:00 p.m. Those who stay overnight often continue sharing writing experiences and questions into the wee hours, if they so choose. The first of two three-hour work shops on Satruday starts at 9:00 a.m.

Sending the fee to Laurie Richards, 28104 No. Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos, CA 92069, reserves your place. Laurie will then contact you with specific details for directions and anything you should bring with you. To speak or e-mail with Laurie: ljrichards@wintonlarson.com; (760) 727-1758 (evening) or (951) 308-1555 (daytime).