Heart? Intuition? Fun?
Okay, so Blogger straightened some things out. My main headline is now black instead of hot pink. This is good. I don’t like the brown headings, though, at the start of each post. Do you?
My friend Sara suggests I do my own blog and she says she’ll show me how so I can just link it to my Web site and not be so reliant on Blogger. Did I tell you Sara is an angel? (Sara, if you check in here, post your blog URL under comments if you’re okay with that so everyone can visit).
So it’s Saturday morning and I read an email from an author friend whose book came out last year and has done respectably. He was working on another proposal that his agent thought would sell–sort of a sequel. He says he woke up, shaking in his PJs, afraid that it was the wrong thing to be working on, and told his agent he changed his mind and was going to go in another direction. His heart just wasn’t in it, not like the first book which was straight from the heart.
I wrote back to him, said his email raised an important question: How do you know when what your agent has in mind for you is the right thing, or not? In this wooly world of publishing, whose advice do you take? It’s hard even listening to your own heart, your own intuition amid the din of what’s selling.
Does it come down to having fun? What do you enjoy working on? If you enjoy it, then that’s what you should be working on, and if you don’t, scrap it?
Let’s hear your comments….
These heading colors are driving me nuts…
…and depending what browser you use, formatting is off. Frustrating! No matter which template I choose for this blog, the headings remain hot pink and brown. Ergh. I’ve written to Blogger. No reply. Anyone know how to fix this?
Regarding other things in the news (I said I wasn’t going to write about you-know-who anymore), I liked what Michael Wolff said (I think it was him) on Larry King Live last night, that we’d stay focused on the current debacle until another one takes its place. That’s how we are, isn’t it? Gotta have drama in our lives, the bigger, the better.
Being one who so easily can see both sides of a situation, and who hates conflict, I say, Publishers: Learn from this. Writers: Learn from this. Readers: Learn from this.
And let’s move on.
Something’s funky here
Sorry–Blogger.com has made some changes and caused my blog to look tres funky! Don’t blame me…..! Hopefully it will change back soon.
Okay, one last post: Frey on Oprah tomorrow
From Publishers Weekly.com:
Frey Live on ‘Oprah’
Our earlier report of James Frey’s rumored appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show has been confirmed by a release from Harpo Productions. The author of A Million Little Pieces will break his post-Larry King silence to appear on a live hour-long show that will air tomorrow (Thursday, Jan. 26). Other guests will include publisher Nan Talese and “some of the country’s leading journalists”–to address the headlines and controversy surrounding his memoir. No word on whether the Smoking Gun’s William Bastone will be among them.
I am so sick of Frey’s name in the news
This is from Publishers Weekly.com:
Frey Headed to Oprah?
With James Frey continuing to be the subject of intense media scrutiny, the author of A Million Little Pieces is reportedly headed to the Oprah Winfrey Show. Two separate sources said that Frey will be in Winfrey’s studio tomorrow (Thursday), though it was unclear if the appearance will be live or taped for a future date. No one at Random House/Doubleday was available for comment at press time.
I want to say that after this post right here and now, I will not post anymore about Frey. (Some people are obsessed with Jessica Simpson; I seem to be obsessed with the Frey debacle.) If you want to read about him, you’ll have to Google his name, sign up for a news alert, and every time his name hits the paper, you’ll be notified. More and more I just see him as a creep, like my friend Amy said. Sorry–I liked him when he was no my show but the worm has turned.