
Archive is up–finally!

We finally have four radio shows archived on my Web site, thanks to Rob Roy and Dave Mosso. And more will be coming in the future. One is with literary agent John Ware, another is with narrative nonfiction author Judy Blunt and novelist Robert Stone, and the third is Ron Carlson, short story writer.

Go here

and click on the right side of the screen where it says “audio archive.”


When you need to get your butt out of the chair

Usually it’s a fight to make yourself sit long enough to get some writing done, but sometimes you just need to get up and shake out those muscles–something writers are lax about.

I don’t know many writers who like to exercise. In my Southern California neighborhood, I certainly know a fair number of people who like to exercise, who go to the gym or work out with a trainer or run, and love it. I always look at these people with a bit of amazement. That anyone would love to exercise is beyond me. It’s an admirable trait, one that I don’t possess.

Maybe it’s genetic. No one in my family has been an exerciser. My Aunt Teresa used to walk a ton (which may be why she lived to be in her late 80s, for the most part all healthy years).

But I went for my annual the other week and my doctor ran blood tests–the usual ones–and they came back pretty okay except for my cholesterol, which was a bit elevated. Not much, but enough for me to remember my mother had high cholesterol and my grandmother had some strokes, and maybe it was time to pay attention to such things.

I worked on my diet a bit, which is not all that bad; I gave up meat more than 20 years ago. So I cut out some butter, some cheese, ice cream. But exercise was the thing I really needed to work on. I walk now and then, but when I had a dog I walked a ton. No longer.

A friend told me about a Pilates DVD–Gaiam’s Pilates for Weight Loss. The narrator doesn’t baby talk to you and the beachy setting is gorgeous. So I started doing the 30 minute workout.

Then I made another discovery, something that is so motivating, to this writer, anyway: Books on tape (or CD). Now it’s fun to go on Long Walks, because I get to listen to a book. It makes me want to walk longer, take the long route, circle the block to get to the end of a chapter. I listened to Anne Tyler’s A Patchwork Planet and John LaCarre’s The Constant Gardener this way, and now I’m listening to Ian McEwan’s Saturday.

So if you have trouble getting out of the chair, stock up on some books on tape, lace on those tennis shoes, and take to the streets. Not only will you be healthier, you’ll have more energy for writing. (I sound like a regular cheerleader, but I swear, I was never one in high school….)

I’m not ignoring you…

I really do mean to post more here but lately, I’m just about as busy as I can stand–all with things I choose to do and enjoy doing, but still. There are limits. I just haven’t found mine.

Working to finish a book proposal (tweaking takes forever but is necessary) for my agent. Working on fiction. Teaching two online classes, one class at UC-Irvine extension, two private workshops–one weekly, one biweekly. My radio show. My job editing The ASJA Monthly.

Of course there’s my son and my husband, the cats and the fish. There are the trips to Toyota to get maintenance for the car, trips to the acupunturist to get maintenance for me, the markets, the library and such. I can imagine if I watched TV, I’d really have no time at all.

And so my blog suffers. I’m sorry! I love blogs. Here is one I check out daily: click here to go there

. And more I like: Aunt Violet’s rant

, The Tranquilo Traveler

, and The Yarn Harlot

. I could list a ton more blogs. Once you start, there’s no end, seeing how there’s a zillion blogs being published right this very second.

If you have a writing-related blog, post it in comments; I’d like to check it out.

NYC literary agent Jeff Kleinman

I first learned of Jeff Kleinman at the 2005 ASJA annual conference, where he was a panelist. Then, a couple of months ago, he was a guest on my show. Last week I wrote to Jeff and asked him if he’d be interested in doing a Q&A and he was. Here you go:

BDB: I happen to care for my agent very much but agents, in general, it seems agents have a bad rap. Why?

JK: See how clueless I am–I didn’t even know we have a bad rap. You probably shouldn’t talk to me–I’m an agent and* a lawyer, so I guess my place is somewhere near the 8th or 9th Circle of Hell.

I can imagine, though, that we have a bad rap for a couple of reasons. First, writers have put us up on pedestals, so we (or some of us) believe that we’re particularly special, so some of us are arrogant, difficult people to work with. Second, because there are a lot of unpublished (and not very good) writers in the world, they can’t get an agent to represent them–but a lot of times, as I said, the projects aren’t quite ready to go, yet. I don’t know if there are other reasons that we’re hated–it sure
would be intriguing to learn why!

BDB: What does being an agent do for you?

JK: Gets me free books, sometimes, from publishers.

BDB: You’re funny. Okay, then, what sort of material do you handle?

JK: Nonfiction: especially narrative nonfiction with a historical bent, but also memoir, health, parenting, aging, nature, pets, how-to, nature, science, politics, military, espionage, equestrian, biography. Fiction: very well-written, character-driven novels; some suspense, thrillers; otherwise mainstream commercial and literary fiction. No: children’s, romance, mysteries, westerns, poetry, or screenplays, novels about serial killers, suicide, or children in peril (kidnapped, killed, raped, etc.).

BDB: How do you think your clients would finish the following sentences: On a good day, Jeff __________

JK: … wears a tie.

BDB: On a bad day, he _______

JK: … wears a tie.

BDB: What is one myth writers entertain about agents?

JK: That *all* of us lead rich, glamorous, successful lives, jetsetting with all the Beautiful People and dining out hourly at impressive, fancy restaurants. I think only Kristen Nelson lives that life.

BDB: What do writers need to know about agents?

JK: Their favorite foods and home addresses. NO–I was joking. NOT home addresses.

BDB: What do you listen to, and when?

JK: NPR, pretty frequently. Otherwise lots and lots of audio books.

BDB: And what do you read on your own time?

JK: I don’t have my “own” time, I guess–I read books that I’ve been wanting to read because the industry’s been talking about them, for one reason or another.

BDB: How can people find you?

JK: www.GraybillandEnglish.com/jmk

Staying in the chair… Installment 2

Several things I’ve found: If you make yourself wait till a certain time, like at the top of the hour, to check your e-mail, this works–for a time…and especially first thing in the morning. As the day wears on, it’s harder to do.

If you put off going online, or even turning on your computer, it’s much easier to stay off line. Ha! It’s like eating sugar…if I don’t have any at all, I can stay away. But one sweet and the day is wrecked.

Freewriting helps. When I’m in the midst of freewriting, checking my e-mail is the last thing I want to do because I am caught up, in the midst of words swirling about and through me, out the tip of my pen. I’d be insane to want to think about e-mail when all that’s happening.

When you’re working on something you love, you don’t tend to want to check e-mail, either, or surf around, checking out blogs. Today I worked on fiction in the morning, and a book proposal in the afternoon, and I must say, getting caught up in the work at hand makes e-mail less compelling. But you have to force yourself to dive into the work–at least I do.

It’s like walking: I am reluctant to hit the pavement, and then when I do, I get caught up in the rhythm of moving down the sidewalk or street and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. But getting out there is the hard part.