
Writing someplace new

Today I bypassed Starbucks for the Gypsy Den (as Catherine mentioned in a comment yesterday), which is an indie coffeehouse/restaurant near South Coast Plaza. And instead of white tea, I’m drinking a cappuccino. How daring!

It’s 7:40 a.m., just opened and there are few people here. Instead of a black Starbucks tee shirt, the barista/waitperson wears plain black with a red and black scarf around her head. On her feet–white high-top Converse. The floor is sandblasted cement and little birds—sparrows?–hop about, pecking at crumbs which are pretty much absent at this early hour.

“Place is fate,” said fiction author Ron Carlson at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books a couple of weekends ago. He was talking about writing fiction, but I wonder how this place, the Gypsy Den, will influence my fiction.

I’ve begun thinking, again, that as well as starting an author speaking series here in the O.C., I want to find a building to make a writer’s space, to rent desks and space, a place away from home to write–for me and for all the writers who really need to get out of the house to work on fiction.

Anyhoo, here’s what I see from where I sit at my table in the corner….

So then I left, to use the rest room, and brought all my gear. (the rest room is on the compound, but not in the cafe). This waterfall sculpure is out back on the way to the restroom, so I thought I’d continue working here, but it was so noisy and bright.

From where I sit

I know you’re all dying to know about this Starbucks that I go to each morning like it’s work. So today I bought zee camera and shot a few from where I sit. See…I really do go to Starbucks every day.

If you have a site, post pictures of where you work and post your link under comments. I want to see!

Coffee houses

I’m still at it, going to Starbucks after I drop off Trav, but I do wish there were other coffee houses to choose from. Berkeley has something like 70+ independent coffee houses to choose from and we have a handful in the O.C. The independent ones I can think of that are nearby have tiny tables and uncomfortable chairs.

What’s a girl to do?

Keep going to Starbucks, I s’pose.

I think about it all the time

Diet Coke.

It’s sad but true. I gave it up. Again. Over the years I keep giving it up. Why should it be so good? A bunch of food coloring and artificial sweetener. Oy. Vey.

So it’s Sunday afternoon and I’m watching the Angels vs. White Sox, my other addiction–the Angels, that is. (Yesterday went to the game with Brian and Travis. The two of them went today…)

When I’m watching a ball game, or when I’m writing in the afternoon, I want a Diet Coke.

Now I drink water. And white tea or green tea or black tea without the caffeine. I love the smell of coffee but I won’t drink it. Makes my heart go all aflutter. One of the best things is sitting down to write with a cup of dark roast coffee. When I lived in Vermont, I drank espresso with a sliver of lemon peel.

The Diet Coke habit came later. I don’t use artificial sweetener in anything, but I love it in Diet Coke. Bizarre.

What do you drink when you write? Or have you given up something (like coffee) and are developing a habit of something else?

Writing at Starbucks

It’s still working. I started last week, and so far have been there each morning this week for two hours. The noise isn’t even as distracting as email. (I’ve kept my vow of not checking email while I’m there.)

This morning a huge group of older adults, mostly dressed well and wearing jewelry, came in and pushed a bunch of tables and chairs together and took over the place. The din rose to the point of when I was on the phone with my chiropractor, I had to go outside to hear the person on the other end of the phone.

Still, I found that noise less distracting than the distractions at home when I’m working on fiction.

A few years back I was diagnosed as being an ADD adult so I wonder if the noise makes me focus in.

Too personal…or not personal enough?

I have a friend who thinks I’m being a bit too personal about my writing woes. This friend thinks I should zip it, and just write away. And if I’m dealing with any obstacles, to just keep them to myself. This friend also doesn’t think I should go out to a cafe to work. He/she thinks I should just stay home and buckle down.

So tell me, does it make you uncomfortable when I, or any other writers with blogs, talk about what they’re dealing with, whether it be procrastination, writers block, or not being able to write at home? Seriously, i want to know.


The LA Times Festival of Books was stellar, as usual. My friend Allison and I decided we liked the humor panels best. The panelists on the one I moderated (Allison Burnett, Merrill Markoe, Pamela Ribon and Amy Wallen) were hilarious. The other two humor panels we went to were great, too. Allison and Amy are going to come on the show in July, methinks.
